Requests Proxy Adapter Maintainability Documentation Status Updates

Set of Proxy Transport Adapters for Requests.


  • PrivoxyAdapter – The transport adapter for Requests to use Privoxy proxy-server with retries when backend errors occurred.
  • RetryPrivoxyAdapter – The transport adapter for Requests to use Privoxy proxy-server with retries when backend errors occurred and retries if errors occured on target site by urllib3.util.retry module.


The simple exmaple of usage adapters (Privoxy run locally on 8118 port):

>>> import requests
>>> from requests_proxy_adapter import PrivoxyAdapter

>>> r = requests.get('')
>>> public_ip = r.json()['origin']

>>> s = requests.Session()
>>> s.mount('http://', PrivoxyAdapter('http://localhost:8118'))
>>> r = s.get('')
>>> assert r.status_code == 200

>>> anon_ip = r.json()['origin']
>>> assert anon_ip != public_ip

See also Requests Transport Adapters documentation.


Alexey Shevchenko <>